Shared Existence Center
Shared Language
A unique educational program teaching Hebrew and English in Arab schools with games, experiences and other informal methods, recognizing that knowledge of Hebrew and English is an important key to integrating into Israeli society and advancing Arab society in Israel. The lessons include education to democratic values, equality and coexistence. The lessons, meetings and dialogue between Jewish and Arab teachers allows them to get to know one another as well as both cultures and nations, and develops the youth’s feelings of belonging to Israeli society. The program operates today in south Tel Aviv and Jaffa schools throughout Israel with some 400 students.
Coexistence centers in Arab communities and mixed cities
Educational-cultural activity intended to create and strengthen cooperation between Jews and Arabs in the city. These youth take responsibility for their communities and lead younger children and teenagers. The educational staff is made up of both Jews and Arabs, partners in the daily educational work, each day fulfilling the values of coexistence. Over the course of the year, the youth take part in hikes, seminars and summer camps in which they meet Jewish and Arab youth their age.
Jewish-Arab Encounters
Our educators Kibbutz operates a wide variety of encounters between Jews and Arabs. We believe that these encounters are a basic element in fostering real coexistence – in the ability to bridge prejudices, fears and feelings of alienation, and allows for informal human dialogue and the creation of friendships and partnerships. The encounters take place between youth, year of service and national service volunteers, teachers and educators. The highlight of the encounter process takes place each summer at the One Movement Camp – four days of encounters and conversations at this seminar for Jewish and Arab counselors-in-training.
Fighting Racism
Recently, we have seen increasing racism against Israeli Arabs; this phenomenon is tearing up the delicate social fabric between Jews and Arabs in Israel and undermining the foundations of Israeli democracy. As a response, we have taken several actions: we have established a situation room for handling racist incidents, open to calls from Arab citizens; an internet patrol team which monitors racism on social networks; demonstrations in Jaffa as immediate responses to racism incidents; and teaching lessons against racism and violence in Jewish schools.
Our partners:
The South Tel Aviv Educators Kibbutz works to promote co-existence with a number of partners: The Ministry of Education, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality and Beit Berl College.